Department of Computer Engineering and Innovative Technologies
The department was founded at the International Humanitarian University in 2004. The Department of Computer Engineering and Innovative Technologies trains specialists at the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels in the specialty 123 Computer Engineering. The purpose of the department is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of information technology capable of solving complex problems and practical problems of designing, developing and testing computer systems, to master modern methods of developing and maintaining computer systems and networks for various purposes.

Since 2014, the Department of Computer Science and Innovative Technologies has been headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences V.I. Gura. During the period of the department's existence, a number of rooms and laboratories have been created and equipped by the teaching and support staff: a programming room, laboratories of physics, circuitry and computer electronics
structured cabling systems, microprocessors and microcontrollers.
An interdepartmental training and practical workshop was created to provide students with practical skills in the installation, maintenance, and operation of computer systems and networks, as well as for internships. The laboratories and the workshop are equipped with modern equipment that makes it possible to train specialists in technical specialties at a sufficiently high level. The classrooms of mathematics and mathematical modeling, information security, information and communication systems were equipped.
For students to perform laboratory work on the basics of circuitry, computer electronics, telecommunications systems and networks, design of broadcasters, database organizations, modeling, structured cabling systems, software and hardware for information security, and the basics of countering technical intelligence, application packages have been developed and used by students in the educational process.
All laboratories are equipped with computer equipment in an amount that ensures high-quality training of specialists.
In order to introduce the latest scientific achievements into the educational process, organize and structure the research and production and practical activities of the teaching staff and students, the faculty on behalf of the university signed agreements on creative cooperation with Belsta LLC, the Main Department of Economic Development and European Cooperation of the Odesa Regional State Administration, the Center for Information Technology and Technical Support of Ukrtelecom PJSC, the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Managers and Specialists of Water Management and Water Resources, the Institute of Water Management and Water Resources Management of the University of Odesa.
Scientific and pedagogical staff of the department